
The PLEA: Becoming a Lawyer

The PLEA: Becoming a Lawyer

Who are lawyers and what do they do?

Lawyers are licensed professionals authorised to engage in the practice of law. They are also sometimes known as attorneys, barristers, or solicitors. Lawyers are trained to understand and apply the law to help others solve their problems.

Through years of schooling and practice, lawyers learn how to conduct legal research, understand legal language and processes, communicate effectively, and apply the law in different types of situations.

Lawyers may work to resolve disputes in many different ways…

Advocacy, arbitration, mediation, litigation in court, negotiation, etc.

Lawyers can work by themselves or in partnership with one or more other lawyers at a law firm. Lawyers can also work for a variety of other employers…

Government, crown corporations, labour unions, private sector companies, universities, etc.

Lawyers practice law in a variety of areas and situations where legal needs arise...

Aboriginal, corporate, criminal, employment, environment, family, immigration, intellectual property, real estate, tax, wills and estates, etc.

Lawyers work on behalf of their clients which can be...

Individuals, families, businesses, corporations, organizations, non-profits, etc.

Some law graduates choose not to become a lawyer and practice law and instead obtain further education or apply their knowledge in other ways. A law degree is a useful stepping stone to many other careers…

Academic administration, banking and finance, conflict resolution, human resources, legal writing and journalism, legal consulting work, policy advisor, politician, etc.

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