
The PLEA: RENT: The Student's Guide

The PLEA: RENT: The Student's Guide

Introduction - Your Home Is Whose Castle?

Renting a place to live involves more than paying the landlord each month. Both landlords and tenants have rights. This means that there’s lots of things first-time renters need to know. For example,

  • When can the landlord enter your place?
  • Are you allowed pets?
  • Can the rent be raised?
  • Are you allowed any visitor you like?

This issue of The PLEA will help answer several introductory questions about renting your first home.

Teachers! Check out PLEA’s new full-length Rent: The Teacher’s Resource. Written for Life Transitions 20/30, its eight lessons can be used to fulfill all the Indicators for Module 15: Housing.

Download or order a print copy today!

Looking for a quick hit? Order Rent: The Rights Card.

Keep in mind, Rent: The Student’s Guide is just an introduction. If you have particular questions or immediate circumstances that need to be resolved, head to for in-depth details on landlord and tenant rights.