
The PLEA: Mock Trials

The PLEA: Mock Trials

More Resources

Now that you have a basic introduction to the concept of mock trials, here are a few resources to get you going!

Mock Trial Kits

PLEA’s R. v. Wyler and Understanding Parole Mock Trial Kits are available at no charge. Find them at

Many of PLEA’s counterpart organizations across Canada have mock trial kits. The Justice Education Society of British Columbia and the Ontario Justice Education Network have several mock trials available at no charge. To learn more, check out their websites at and

Online Discussions

Perjuries is an international online discussion community for mock trials. Check them out at

Information About the Law

PLEA offers a full library of plain-language information about the law that can help along most mock trials. Use the search tool at

Guest Speakers

PLEA can help to arrange a guest speaker from the legal community to help explain trials. Head to and click on Request a Speaker.

McKercher Cup

The Canadian Bar Association (Saskatchewan Branch) holds an annual mock trial tournament as part of Law Day celebrations. Learn more at