
The PLEA: Revisiting Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

The PLEA: Revisiting Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

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Extraordinary Canadians, an 18-volume biography series edited by John Raulston Saul, includes a volume on Stephen Leacock. According to Saul, “Stephen Leacock set a pattern for Canadian comics and comic writers that goes on to this day.” Consider more recent comedic portrayals of Canadian communities, such as the CBC’s Little Mosque on the Prairie, Schitt’s Creek, and Kim’s Convenience, CTV’s Corner Gas, APTN’s Mohawk Girls, or Drew Hayden Taylor’s Motorcycles and Sweetgrass.

  1. What characteristics do recent examples share with Sunshine Sketches?
  2. Do the similarities between recent examples and Sunshine Sketches tell us anything about what defines us as Canadians?
  3. Do the similarities between characters from recent examples and characters from Sunshine Sketches tell us anything about human nature?