
The PLEA: Cyberbullying

The PLEA: Cyberbullying

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is a specific kind of bullying. Cyberbullying is bullying using the internet, social media, email, text messages, or other forms of electronic communication.

According to The Red Cross, some kinds of cyberbullying include:

  • FLAMING - arguing by using angry insults
  • HARASSMENT - sending numerous insults or threats
  • CYBERSTALKING - watching or monitoring someone online
  • DENIGRATION - gossiping about a person to hurt their reputation
  • IMPERSONATION - pretending to be somebody you are not, to harm their reputation or relationships
  • OUTING - sharing secrets online, sometimes to “out” someone’s sexuality
  • TRICKERY - convincing someone to share embarrassing or private information
  • EXCLUSION - intentionally excluding someone

Remember: If you like or share something online that was used to bully, you are cyberbullying too. Liking and sharing encourages the bully to continue their mean behaviour.

Conflict vs Bullying

Conflict is normal. Learning how to fairly resolve disagreements is an essential part of growing up. Bullying is not normal. It is harmful.

Normal Conflict

  • Dan and Raj both want to be first to use the new classroom computer.
  • Kyle and Dave are both very competitive and play hard to control the puck in after-school hockey.
  • Debbie and Pia both want to be friends with the new student.


  • Dan organises all the boys on his side to tease Raj.
  • Kyle is bigger and more athletic than Dave, and during hockey he regularly checks Dave when he thinks nobody is looking.
  • Debbie tells the new student that she has to choose: you can only be my friend if you exclude Pia.


Have you ever received a message or seen an online post that has made you feel uncomfortable? Do you think it was bullying? Why or why not?