
Albert Camus' The Plague: The Learning Resource

The Plague: Part Two

Part Two of The Plague recounts how plague begins to impact the lives of people in Oran. The crisis requires people to consider their role in society.

There are six stand-alone activities in this section that can help meet Saskatchewan’s English B30 curriculum indicators.

  • The Philosophy of Camus: Justice, Not Hatred asks students to consider what is justice, and start building their own idea of justice.
  • Health Concepts: Plague and Excess Mortality continues with the ideas about objectivity and truth by opening up considerations of using singular statistics as holistic explanations.
  • Historical Context: The “Vaunted Might” of Science establishes the historical basis of the scientific method and considers some of its conflicts with other forms of truth.
  • Think Local: Political Protest examines ways for students to create change by opening up considerations of the concepts of resistance and rebellion.
  • Historical Context: Outlawing Science in Camus’ Time continues building on the historical and political context of The Plague, while also deepening student concepts of truth.
  • Health Concepts: Absolute Freedom and Universal Health Care asks students to consider ideas of freedom and consider how we build the common good by limiting the ability of the strongest to dominate.

Together, these activities and the chapter questions build upon the philosophical and thematic underpinnings of The Plague introduced in Part One of this resource.

Learning Package: Part Two

Part Two in PDF.

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