
All 4 Each: A Unit to Empower Co-operative Consciousness


Version 1.0 (2012)

Based on the Ontario Co‑operative Association’s All 4 Each learning resource, this Saskatchewan-specific adaptation was produced by the Saskatchewan Co‑operative Association (SCA) and the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan.

SCA is a provincial coalition of co‑operatives, including credit unions. Incorporated as a community service co‑operative, SCA works to support and promote the co‑operative model for community and economic development. SCA engages youth in activities and development opportunities that strengthen their capacity and the co‑operative sector through the Saskatchewan Co‑operative Youth Program (SCYP).

PLEA is a non-profit, non-government organization funded by the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan and the Department of Justice Canada. PLEA is supported by the Law Society of Saskatchewan, Canadian Bar Association (Saskatchewan Branch), College of Law, Legal Aid Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Public Library, and public libraries and regional colleges throughout the province. PLEA also receives generous support from Saskatchewan Justice. PLEA exists to educate, inform, and empower people through law-related education.

SCA and PLEA would like to thank Kerr Smith and the Ontario Co‑operative Association for granting permission to adapt their All 4 Each learning resource, and Anthony Santoro for his work in adapting the content. SCA and PLEA would also like to thank Brent Toles at the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education for reviewing this resource.

SCA and PLEA gratefully acknowledge the support of Enterprise Saskatchewan in the production of this resource.

Contents may not be commercially reproduced but reproduction for educational purposes is encouraged.

© 2012 Saskatchewan Co‑operative Association and the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan.

Illustrated by Kerr Smith, Ontario Co‑operative Association
Design and layout by Gareth Lind,

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