For this culminating assignment, students will apply all that they have learned by creating their own co‑operative organizations. This project could be assigned as a simple one-page proposal or a more elaborate business plan complete with budgets, logos, advertising examples, and other aspects of their business.
The Plan
1. Review previous lesson’s discussion on co-operatives that students found interesting and the identified needs of their community.
2. Tell students that they will be developing their own co-operative. Give students a few minutes to individually brainstorm their ideas using First Ideas 1.
3. At least three people are required to form a co-operative. When students finish First Ideas 1, have class mingle amongst one-another to find partners whose ideas could work together.
4. Once all students have found a co-op business and classmates to work with, have each group hone their business model using First Ideas 2.
5. Upon completion of First Ideas 2, give students a second opportunity to mingle with their classmates to determine if there is any room for further co-operation as well as to see if there are any new ideas to add to their plan.
6. Approve each group’s co-operative plan in principle, then set students forth to construct their co-operative. Students should use the Co-op Business Proposal as a guideline for a written report or other project.
7. Allow each group to present their co-operative to the class. Encourage questions and discussion on its viability.