
From Dream to Reality: The Story of Treaty Land Entitlement


Version 1.1

This publication was developed for the Office of the Treaty Commissioner (OTC) as part of its mandate to support a better understanding of the historic treaties between First Nations People and the Crown in what is now known as Saskatchewan.

The purpose of this publication is to provide support to Social Science teachers as they teach about treaties. This publication provides teachers, students and the general public with information about treaty land entitlement and the law. The content of this publication is intended as general information only and should not form the basis of legal advice of any kind. Individuals seeking specific legal advice should consult a lawyer.

This publication was researched, written, and produced by the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA) for the OTC.

The OTC and PLEA gratefully acknowledge the following organizations and individuals who provided valuable consultative support.

  • Saskatchewan Learning - Brent Toles, Social Sciences Consultant
  • James Sifert - Leader Composite School
  • Devin Bitschy - Beechy School
  • Matthew Tumbach - College of Education, University of Saskatchewan
  • Eugene Arcand
  • Ray Ahenakew
  • Howard McMaster
  • Senator Roland Crowe
  • Cliff Starr
  • Senator Alma Kytwayhat
  • Doug Cuthand
  • Commissioner McKnight
  • Harry Lafond

© 2011, Office of the Treaty Commissioner

Contents may not be commercially reproduced, but any other reproduction is encouraged.

Illustrations credit Kevin PeeAce & Office of the Treaty Commissioner.

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