Competing interests must be taken into account when creating local bylaws. Knowing the process to make bylaws is necessary to advocate for change. This knowledge will help students better understand how to take action in their community.
Suggested Curriculum Links
This lesson focuses on the evolution of a piece of legislation. As such, this lesson can achieve most of the Indicators in the following Outcome:
1. Engage the class in a discussion about current “hot button” topics. Preferably narrow the discussion to an issue that falls within the jurisdiction of municipal government. Use this discussion to demonstrate how a diverse society has competing needs, thus requiring real understanding of opposing viewpoints and consensus-building in order for society to be effectively governed.
2. Read The Nuts and Bolts: Local Council Meetings.
To better understand the proceedings of a council meeting, teachers may wish to organize a class trip to watch a municipal council meeting, or view a recording of the most recent council meeting.
3. Either research and present a local issue which has been the subject of a bylaw passed by council, or assign students to do the same. For guiding the discussion, consider:
4. To evaluate student understanding of this (or any other) bylaw, assign A Day in the Life of… A Creative Writing Activity. This may make a good cross-curricular project with English Language Arts.
Further Exploration
5. As a supplemental activity for exploring the purpose of a bylaw, check out the activity No Vehicles in the Park.
Evaluation Rubric