
Municipalities Matter

Lesson Seven: Post-Election Analysis

This lesson is an analysis of election results, so is only intended for election years. Through examining and considering the election results against the understandings built in this unit as a whole, students will be able to begin a longer-term reflection on the effectiveness of the election process.

Suggested Curriculum Links
The broad nature of this lesson can be focused on the consequences of engagement or non-engagement in the political system. As such, this lesson can be best used to achieve some Indicators within the following Outcome:

  • Power and Authority 8.4.


1. As a class, discuss civic election results. If more than one media source is available, teachers may want to discuss and compare reporting of the results. Possible items of discussion could include:

  • What factors made the winner win and the losers lose?
  • If there was a parallel election held in class, compare and discuss the results.
  • What role did the local media play in the election?
  • What role did social media play in the election?
  • What promises were made? How can the winners be held accountable for these promises?
  • How does the newly-elected council compare to the community’s diversity. Has your community made progress in this area?
  • What were the most significant events of the campaign?
  • Did the elected candidates receive 50% or more of the votes? If not, is the majority truly being represented by our electoral system?
  • What was the voter turnout? How does this compare to other municipalities?
  • What was the level of support for winning candidates when calculated as a percentage of the voting-age citizens as a whole?
  • What do the results of this election mean for the municipality’s future?