
Teaching Youth Justice

Lesson 3.5: Sentencing in Depth: Probation

This lesson continues the exploration of what happens if a young person is found guilty of a crime. Students will learn about probation orders and explore how they are applied.

1. Review what students know about youth sentences from previous lesson.

2. Distribute Probation to read as a group, then lead class in completion of corresponding questions.

3. To introduce the application of probation, distribute Case Study: D.P. v. R. to consider as a class.

4. Break students into smaller groups to consider Case Study: R. v. S.B. Students should discuss these questions:

  • What types of behaviour are the conditions designed to control?
  • How does this relate to the offence committed?
  • How does this relate to the rehabilitation of the young person?

5. In order for students to understand the consequences of breaching parole, have smaller groups next consider Case Study: R. v. J.H. Students should again discuss these three questions:

  • What types of behaviour are the conditions designed to control?
  • How does this relate to the offence committed?
  • How does this relate to the rehabilitation of the young person?



D.P. v. R.

Case Study

R. v. S.B.

Case Study

R. v. J.H.

Case Study

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