
The PLEA: 70 Years of the Bomb

The PLEA: 70 Years of the Bomb

Further Resources

Nuclear weapons are a broad and intense field of study. Below are just a few of the resources that helped inform this issue of The PLEA.

Nuclear Notebook

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was founded by scientists from the Manhattan Project and has become a leading journal on nuclear developments.

Arms Control Association

The Arms Control Association builds public understanding of arms control, including efforts to reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons.

The Atomic Plague

William Burchett’s 1945 newspaper report on the damage caused by the bombing of Hiroshima has been called one of the greatest scoops of the twentieth century.

Radio Report to the American People on the Potsdam Conference

Harry Truman delivered his vision for the post-World War II order just prior to the bombing of Nagasaki in a nation-wide radio address.

Dawn Over Zero: The Story of the Atomic Bomb

William Laurence was the New York Times journalist hired by the American Military as their official historian of the Manhattan Project. His 1946 book describes the bomb’s creation.

Find it at your public library.


John Hersey’s 1946 piece on six Hiroshima survivors is considered one of the most important pieces of journalism to come out of World War II.

Find it at your public library.

The Day After Trinity

This 1981 documentary tells the story of Robert Oppenheimer and the atomic bomb, then outlines his life post-World War II including his persecution in the hands of Senator McCarthy’s anti-communist hysteria.

The Atomic Café

This 1982 documentary is made from a collection of American nuclear propaganda films, advertisements, and news clips from the 1940s through to the 1960s.

Dr. Strangelove

Stanley Kubrik’s 1963 dark comedy exposes the risks of nuclear arms. Written after intensive research by Kubrik, it is considered one of the greatest satires of motion picture history.

Find it at your public library.

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