
Lord of the Flies: The Novel Study

Chapter Ten: The Shell and the Glasses


Ralph, Piggy, Sam, and Eric discuss the events from the previous night. Meanwhile, Jack has fortified the area around Castle Rock and demands his tribe be vigilant to protect their area from the others and the beast. He also claims the beast may take on new forms, and they should appease it with offerings. That night, Ralph decides to let the fire go out at his camp. When Jack and some of his hunters arrive to steal fire, they instead leave with Piggy’s glasses.

1. Jack has fortified Castle Rock with a large boulder that can be dropped on those below. He claims the fortification is necessary because of the beast, and because the others will try to sneak in to “spoil things we do” (p. 177).
a) What have Ralph’s priorities been for the island?
b) How would Ralph and his remaining boys “spoil” the way of life for Jack and his tribe?
c) Would this “spoiling” of their way of life be to their benefit or detriment?

2. Is fortifying Castle Rock a wise use of resources?

3. When Ralph’s huts are raided, Ralph at first believes Jack came for the conch.
a) What did Jack actually come for?
b) What is the primary purpose of fire for Ralph? For Jack?
c) Discuss ways that fire and the raid illustrate the differences between Jack and Ralph as leaders.

4. Roger describes Jack as a “proper Chief” (p. 176). Do you agree? Why or why not?

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