
Lord of the Flies: The Novel Study


This guide was produced by the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan. PLEA is anon-profit, non-government organization funded by the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan andJustice Canada. PLEA also receives generous support from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice and Attorney General. PLEA is supported by the Law Society of Saskatchewan, Canadian Bar Association (Saskatchewan Branch), College of Law, Legal Aid Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, Saskatoon Public Library, and public libraries and regional colleges throughout the province.

PLEA would like to thank Brent Toles at the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education for reviewing this resource.

Contents may not be commercially reproduced but reproduction for not-for-profit educational purposes is encouraged.

© 2013 Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan, Inc.

Illustrations credits: “Seashells” by Yunhe Bao ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 CA), other illustrations Microsoft.

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