Families are diverse. Parents and educators have an important role to play in helping children understand the importance of diversity in society and the rights that all family members have regardless of the make-up of their family. Children need to be able to recognize themselves as part of a legitimate family unit and be able to dismiss negative stereotyping. While this may be a difficult task for any child living in a non-traditional family unit, it may be particularly difficult for a child whose family structure has changed as a result of parental separation or divorce.
Families typically undergo all kinds of changes. The number of children in the home may change as new additions join in or older children move out. The family might move to a new home or a new city. A parent may change jobs or become unemployed. And parents may separate or divorce.Something to Talk About…
Discuss different types of family structures, such as single parents, grandparents or other relatives who raise children, stepparents, and same-sex parents. Identify the differences and the similarities. It’s important for schools and communities to recognize and respect different family structures and be sensitive to activities or systems that may reinforce negative stereotypes sometimes associated with non-traditional family structures.
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