
PLEA’s Law 30 Resource Portal


Investigate the legal implications that result from forming, changing and terminating various types of family relationships.

Indicators for this outcome

(a) Analyze case studies to identify common legal requirements of a marriage (e.g., age, mental capacity, marital status, consanguinity) and common-law relationships in Saskatchewan and in other provinces of Canada.

Family Law Basics

(b) Examine how the definitions of family, marriage and cohabitation have evolved and continue to evolve through legislation and court decisions.

Assess the complex interplay between cultural and/or religious customs, marriage laws and the Charter in terms of the legal status of a relationship (e.g., polygamy, polyamory, arranged marriages, marriage outside Canada).

Evaluate the different contracts or agreements (e.g., cohabitation agreements, the division of family property, parenting arrangements, child and spousal support) that parties can enter into before, during or after a marriage or cohabitation relationship.

Agreements (CV2-e)

(e) Assess the benefits and disadvantages of court orders, voluntary agreements or mediated settlements in the termination of family relationships.

Agreements (CV2-d)
Court Orders

(f) Examine the grounds for and legal implications of, separation, divorce and annulment.

Family Law Basics > Separation (CV2-a)
Family Law Basics > Divorce (CV2-a)

(g) Describe the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians and how family law protects the rights of children, including topics such as:

  • considerations of the best interests of the child;
  • safety, parenting arrangements;
  • adoption; and,
  • the role of government agencies and programs.

No Matter What: Me and My Family
Support > Child Support (CV2-d)

(h) Differentiate between past and present government policies and traditional Indigenous practices related to interventions into Indigenous families, such as adoption of Indigenous children, Sixties Scoop, residential schools, Jordan’s Principle and interactions with government agencies and programs.

(i) Analyze how family law affects families with differing societal values, cultural expectations and economic circumstances.

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