
Rent: The Teacher's Resource


Many high school students live independently. While others will soon enough. When it comes to renting a place to live, young people, their landlords, and society are all better off when everyone knows and honours their rights and responsibilities.

With this in mind, PLEA created Rent: The Teacher’s Resource, to explain renters’ rights in Saskatchewan to young people. Across eight lessons, this resource creates a path that fulfills outcomes and indicators of Module 15: Housing in Saskatchewan’s Life Transitions 20, 30 Curriculum. As well, this resource can fulfill CV3(a) indicators in Saskatchewan’s Law 30 Curriculum. Each lesson contains curriculum links, step-by-step procedures, handouts, activities, and links to outside resources where appropriate.

To further help young people understand their rights as renters, PLEA also has created a set of accompanying resources to this teacher’s guide.

Rent: The Student’s Guide is an in-brief newsletter version of this resource.

Rent: The Rights Card is a wallet-sized overview of renter’s rights.

Individual copies or class sets of any or all of these resources can be ordered for free.

Note that these resources apply to provincially-regulated rental housing in Saskatchewan. For information on housing in Indigenous communities, contact your local First Nation.

Teachers are the people on the ground, closest to what’s happening in Saskatchewan’s schools. We welcome your feedback on this or any other PLEA learning resource, to better-understand how PLEA can help you make learning happen. Drop us a line!

Rent: The Teacher's Guide

Full Resource in PDF

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