Students will learn what is in a rental agreement.
Curriculum Links
1. Discuss with students that a contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties.
2. Lead class reading of Rental Agreements.
• Why do you think that there are standard conditions that must apply to every rental situation?
• What drawbacks could there be to having a oral as opposed to written rental agreement?
3. The Office of Residential Tenancies has fillable forms that can be used for fixed term rentals (leases), month-to-month rentals, and week-to week rentals. Links to all these forms can be found here, under Types of Tenancies. Ask students to review these sample rental agreements, to understand ideally what should be in every rental agreement.
4. Renting involves entering into a contract. For more details about how contracts are governed by laws, check out Contract Law. There is a full-length teacher resource and a student-friendly newsletter.