Students will learn about everyone’s responsibility for taking care of a rental property.
Curriculum Links
1. Brainstorm the ideal condition for a rental property. Does a property need to be “perfect”? What would constitute an unlivable environment?
2. Bridge discussion into how landlords and tenants both share responsibility for the living environment of rental properties.
3. Lead class reading of “Moving in and Settling In: Damage, Cleaning, and Repairs.”
• Why would it be in your best interest to have a written and photographic description of the condition of each room of a rental property when you move in?
• Is up to one month’s rent as a security deposit a fair amount for the renter? The landlord?
• Is it fair that renters are responsible for damage done by their guests?
4. Assign “Damage, Cleaning, and Repairs: True or False” and “Mini-Case Studies: Can the Landlord Do It?” as a summary exercise.