
Rent: The Teacher's Resource

Lesson 8: Realty Bites


Students will analyse situations and determine the proper outcomes for rental conflicts.

Curriculum Links

  • LIFE15 (g) Investigate services and supports in the community (e.g., Public Legal Education Association, Office of Residential Tenancies) that help resolve housing disputes.
  • LIFE15 (h) Role play scenarios that demonstrate how to successfully resolve potential issues and challenges (e.g., loud neighbours, broken appliances, nonresponsive landlord) related to seeking, obtaining, maintaining and ending a variety of living arrangements.


1. As a motivational set, have students complete Realty Bites maze.

2. Lead class discussion reviewing major concepts of unit. Ask students to consider what things they would include in the Reality Bites maze that are very relevant to renting a home.

3. Distribute and assign Realty Bites Case Studies. Teachers may wish to have students role play the scenarios.

Realty Bites Maze


Realty Bites: Case Studies


Answer Keys
