
Rent: The Teacher's Resource

Lesson 3: Costing it Out and Applying to Rent


Students will budget for renting a home and learn how to apply for a place to rent.

Curriculum Links

  • LIFE15 (d) Investigate the processes and documentation required to obtain rental accommodations in various locations (e.g., rural,
  • LIFE15 (f) Investigate services and supports in the community (e.g., local housing authority) to help resolve issues with housing access.
  • LIFE15 (g) Investigate services and supports in the community (e.g., Public Legal Education Association, Office of Residential Tenancies) that help resolve housing disputes.

1. Have students review their favourite rental properties from the search conducted in Lesson Two. What kinds of rental accommodations are available? What areas and buildings are more desirable? Can you necessarily afford to live where you want?

2. Explain that there are costs associated with moving. Many costs are one-time expenses, not obvious at first. Brainstorm a list of all the possible expenses for moving. The list could include anything from purchasing vacuum cleaners or yard maintenance equipment to utility hookup fees and security deposits. Lesson Four explores security deposits in detail: for now it is enough to know that a security deposit can be up to a full month’s rent, payable over two months.

3. Engage in a second brainstorming session to make a comprehensive list of ongoing expenses associated with renting a home. This list could include anything from utilities to cleaning supplies. Laws related to cleaning and repairs will be explored in more detail in Lesson Four.

4. With the start-up and ongoing expenses mapped out, use the activity “Costing it Out” for students to create a budget for moving, and a budget for monthly accommodation. Do this for each of their chosen rental properties. This activity will give students a better idea of what properties on their shortlist are within their price range.

5. Now that students understand the full cost of moving in and living in a rental home, they will be ready to apply for rental properties. To understand the limits that landlords can place on who they will rent to, read “Applying for Tenancy: Rights, Responsibilities, and Discrimination.”
• Landlords cannot refuse to rent based on things like race, gender identity, having children, or being a recipient of social assistance. Why is it important that the law recognises the vulnerability of minorities and people experiencing poverty?
• Why would the law have certain carve outs, such as allowing a woman renting a room in her home to only rent to another woman?

Further Exploration

6. The Government of Saskatchewan offers rent subsidies for low-income people who spend 35% or more of their income on shelter, as well as subsidies for people fleeing domestic violence situations. Click here for more details.

Costing it Out


Applying for Tenancy: Rights, Responsibilities, and Discrimination


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